Sunday, January 7, 2007


No, no I am not going to write about the ever popular first person shooting game. Instead I am going to write about the very idea that has gripped the world since the dawn of civilization and has relentlessly stuck to our very hearts-FEAR.

"Be scared, be very scared." "Fear is your only salvation." Directly or indirectly these are the types of byline which have been etched into our minds since time forever. At first by nature, now by people themselves. Politicians, scientists, governments, religious leaders, you and me are all fear mongers. Our trade of fear is perhaps the most successful business ever!

Some of you may scorn and think-I am not scared. But before coming to any conclusion consider this that even the most bravest have fear-the fear of loosing courage. It is an inevitable emotion that will come to everyones mind in a lifetime. As a matter of fact it comes into our hearts numerous times in numerous occasions. But have you considered that some people use fear to control and suppress others? You may think and say-Yeah, sure. There are the Taliban, the criminals, the terrorists, tyrants and all such hideous anti social elements. But have you considered a more closer target, in a more subtle environment perpetrated by a more familiar face? You dont need to look further-face your mirror.

Let me explain. Humans at the beginning had nothing in their mind but to survive and proliferate. Their fears were confined to the ones that nature had bestowed upon them, fears like predators, lack of food and water, lack of shelter etc. It was a simple world. As soon as the first bouts of civilization started springing up new fears also started rising. How to maintain this organization, how to prevent catastrophes etc etc. Just as soon as civilization started rules and laws came into place. And as soon as rules and laws came onto place crime took its rightful place.

Crime. An age old practice which is in all sense an age old fear proprietor. We are all scared of criminals, murders, rapists etc etc. These people though a minority of 0.5% of worlds population have incessantly scared the rest of 95.5%. Why I ask is there such fear from such a minority? The first thing is we ourselves are scared to take any action, to get "involved". That I consider is the primary reason. Fear Lets Fear Rampage. The second I believe is the over exaggerated propaganda crime has received. The media, the leaders etc etc have spread it to the common man. And from one common man to another this fear spreads picking momentum as it moves from one mouth to another. Its just like an avalanche-ice displacing more ice-bringing only cold fear to all.

But have you considered that this fear might be used to control us? Yes, control. To keep out minds occupied. To prevents thoughts of revolution and rebellion. Now, now do not think that I am talking about the militants who take up violence, but of course in some cases even that point can be valid. But I am talking about free thinking and the rebellion of the mind and the intellect.
Consider this, when is the last time you remember when there was no "global threat"? When was the last time you on the news channel and you heard "Hey, no problem in the world today!"
I am not naive enough to hope that there can be no problem in the world. But I have definitely noticed that some problems have been blown out of the picture. Its like one world fear replaces another.

Let me give you an example, in the 1800's and 1900's the world was in a conquest for more colonies, more riches, more resources. There was fear of poverty, disease, famine-understandable. But then came World War I and II. And the fear was changed
to war, bombs, soldiers etc. Entire races were scared of other races. Countries scared of other countries. People in all were subjected. In some places their rights forfeited. In some cases their very thoughts stripped away. In this fear many people were made to unimaginable things. Soldiers shot their fellow men, pillaged and committed hideous crimes out of fear of being punished for treason, the civilians out of fear either rebutted or just got subjugated, the leaders either pushed on or surrendered. Free thinking was brought to a stand still. Dictators and tyrants ran rampant.To subdue radical ideas influential people, books etc were destroyed. This is the ultimate destruction of rights and free thinking.

After the World War, the world saw another war-The Cold War. This continued till 1991. And this was the ultimate Fear War. For there was no war but only a Fear Of War between US and the Soviet. In this environment the leaders were able to govern as they likes on both fronts. The people who could have come with radical ideas kept their minds occupied by who's going to bomb who? You may think-but this only deals with US and Soviet, what about the rest? You must understand that even though the World War had finished several subsidiary wars were going on. This fear of war is perhaps the best example I could give of the effect of fear. This period saw a rise of weapons of unimaginable capability of annihilation. This fear of war still grips us in the form of terrorism

In between, I'd also like to mention a war which has long been in discussion in world affairs-The Environmental War. It is true pollution has increased. It is true that there is an impact on the planet. But you will be surprised to find out there is no profound impact as such. Temperature might be increasing in one place but it decreases in others. Sea levels are not rising. We have no means of proving that there is a global impact of all the oddities we do. But then, why is there such a scare? On what basis did "The Day After Tomorrow" show the imminent end of the world? Well, my dear friends this is the best example I can give for the effect of media propaganda. By constantly etching it into our mind - GREENHOUSE EMISSIONS POLAR ICE CAP MELTING SEA LEVEL RISING NEW ICE AGE RAPID ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGES TSUNAMI EARTHQUAKE FLOODS. These words are constantly echoed by the media and provides fear a base in our hearts. Again our minds are pushed in the darkness of fear and our potentials curtailed by unnecessary worries. It is interesting to note that all major causes of fear are also major political issues.

Terrorism, war, environmental pollution, religious fanaticism etc are not only the major fear factors that has a global impact but are the major political issues in the world. It is interesting to see that each time any of these factors are propagated we see a new political tide. Whenever there is a major change in the events surrounding these factors there is also a major political change or crisis. Isnt it just convenient?

After belittling fear so much I in the end have to give it due credit for helping us in our survival. Yes, helping us in our survival. Because without fear there will be chaos, for the very nature of humans is volatile. We, if not controlled will surely wreak more destruction than a million hydrogen bombs. For many people it is the fear of punishment that keeps them out of the criminal activities. The fear of "What would the neighbors say?" that keeps us from committing hideous crimes. The fear of war and death that leads to diplomatic pacts. The fear of natures wrath that keeps out environmental exploits in check. The fear of god that makes us lead a pious life. For, without these measures of control the society we know will cease to exist. It can be rightly said FEAR is a necessary evil.

I conclude this blog by mentioning about the fear that we should truly try to conquer, the one that will allow our minds to wander free, that will allow our creativity to flow, the one that will allow us to bestow our gifts to the world, the one that will liberate us from the darkness and bring us to light. This is our personal fear. This can be of many types and varies from people to people. It can be anything from the fear of failure to fear of death. I do not want to elaborate into the types of fear as such as it is of personal nature. All I can say is to rise above these fears and face them with courage. Never take counsel of your fears.

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